11 November 2006

Thorn in my side

I hate the PAP so much now that it has gone overboard. I can't believe a beautiful country like Singapore will ultimately be destroyed by the very people that say they want to help/save it.

We are digging our own grave by allowing the gahmen to do whatever it wants. For them to control everything, from our right to peacefully protest to the silencing anything and everything that doesn't agree with them and their fascist thinking.

I love my country so much but I really hate to see it getting raped over and over again by people who just want to be in power forever. Thinking that they, as gods, are the only thing for Singapore any other form of government is, as they say, "not right for Singapore".

These amendments to the penal code of Singapore is further evidence that the gahmen just wants to please enough people to stay in power, they are not looking out for the good of all or even for the protecting of minorities who are already marginalised by society and law. Harassment by the police (which we all know protects the rights of the gahmen and not the rights of the citizens) of gay-friendly venues is common place. The recent IndigNation launch party is a good example of this (Political apoplexy and police priorities)

There is a lot of fear in the gahmen, fear that Singaporeans will start voting the opposition. Fear that even with media censorship, the good the opposition is doing and has done will come to light. Fear that Singaporeans will start seeing Singapore as Singapore and the gahmen as the gahmen.

I can't remember who said it but this guy (or gal) said that a government that fears its own replacement will seek to control, in order for them to stay in power. How true these words are.

Ever since graduation, I have noticed more and more the lip service the PAP pays to us. It is lip service because from PM Goh's time until now, we have heard that Singapore has to open up, to be more inclusive, but it has never happened. Tokens have been thrown to us but nothing concrete has been done. Our media is still controlled, we cannot talk bad about the gahmen or anything about their policies or we'll be silenced (the mr. brown incident). We cannot talk about our concerns if we don't have any solutions to the problem. In other words, "shut up and just do what we say".

I am getting so tired of this, so tired that I have to learn to love my country. Something that comes naturally to most people, we in Singapore have to learn. Why do we have to learn? Most Singaporeans equate the gahmen with Singapore and that is not right. My proof? Well you'll realise that when you speak against the gahmen, the pro-PAP people would state, "if you so unhappy get out, migrate." What has my hatred for the PAP anything to do with Singapore?

During this current administration in USA (the Bush administration) most USA citizens hate their government, hate George Bush (his approval ratings are below 40%) but they love their country, even when they argue with people they disagree with, nobody tells them to leave the country because in USA, they know it is the difference that matters, in bringing differences to light, we learn and grow and understand. Notice the difference between them and Singapore. Singaporeans tend to have the idea that if you love the country you love the gahmen and vice versa and with the gahmen's help, we believe that disagreements and differences in opinions is bad for the country.

I am the type of person that the gahmen would just hate to have in the country. Not because I can be like Dr. Chee and risk everything for his belief but that I can express my dissatisfaction about the gahmen to everyone I know. Like our taxi drivers. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.

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