07 May 2006

Singapore's general elections 2006

I can't say I'm surprised that no other oppositions won a seat in parliament. What I was surprised about was the fact that in Potong Pasir and Hougang, the number of people that voted opposition increased, even though the People Action Party (PAP) dangled a 'carrot' of upgrading in front of them. Good for them I say.

This really showed that Singaporeans have matured and are looking at politics, not in the same light as what the PAP is looking at it. The PAP has really not kept up with the times, as Singaporeans grew and have become more mature, they have are still stuck in the 1970s, thinking that Singaporeans are still the same bunch of people. And from what I could gather from this far away, was the fact that not only did the younger generation (my generation) voted more for the opposition but the older generation too. Many have stated (the older generation than is) that the PAP has lost touch with their roots and have become arrogant and aloft.

I don't have a political affiliation but I have realised that having a one party system is really not the way to go, no matter how good the current government is. Checks and balances are needed and I’m not naive enough to believe that the PAP will be good for the country (as a one party system) in the long run, contrary to what a number of people believe.

The other shocking thing was the fact that 1 in 3 Singaporeans from the Prime Minister’s ward actually voted for the opposition. This has never happened before in the history of Singapore and it is really surprising. It does show that Singaporeans do want a change.

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