11 March 2005

The rise of HIV infection in Singapore

It is amazing that our ministers are allowed to spew nonsense and nobody contradicts them, especially when it concerns the GLBT community.

I think that it is time the gahmen of Singapore realises that we are also their citizens and that since we are a secular society where religion has no part to pay in politics or gahmen policies, they should stop trying to marginalise us anymore. Yes, we are different, we love people of the same sex but making us out to be criminals and the bearer of death is not going to solve the problem. The gahmen has always been like this for as long as I know, in order to please the majority, they would sacrifice the minority, in order to get re-elected they would prefer to fan stereotypes then to allow groups or societies to educate the masses. And no, we DO NOT recruit, being gay is not a choice, even though I believe that most of our members of parliament believe that it is. Gosh, are they still living in the Victorian era? Why is it what people do in private is of concern to the gahmen? They are even trying to decriminalise oral sex! Gosh.

As a so-called 'first world' country, we still have decade to catch up with the other first world countries in terms of opinions and mind-sets and policies that don't discriminate. Even Taiwan and Hong Kong, countries that have not obtained their first world status is even more open minded and accepting of different types of people than we are. Taiwan is talking about giving equal rights to same-sex couples and Hong Kong has been holding a gay and lesbian film festival for the past 16 years and they had a gay and lesbian conference last year that was organised by the government of Hong Kong.

Yes, the rise is a concern, but making unjust, homophobic and baseless statements in parliament by the senior minister of health will not help the already bad situation, in fact it would make it worse, gay men or more correctly, men have sex with men (some who don't call themselves gay) will go underground and stop testing themselves. The straight community would start to think that HIV/AIDS is a 'gay disease' and become complacent. Too bad he didn't engage what little brains he had before starting his mouth. Oh by the way Balaji Sadasivan (the aforementioned minister) won an "Just Shut Up" Award.

Taken from mrbrown.com
Hypothesis: Aids MAY be spread by gays breathing on you!!!

I propose that the Government ban all gay parties, especially on our National Day. I read that nine out of 10 of the new Aids sufferers in Singapore last year, are men and a third of them are gay. It’s them darn homo parties, I tell you.

Dr Balaji Sadasivan, who won a spot in David Salyer's "Just Shut Up" Awards, did say it was only a hypothesis, and more research needs to be done.

Sure, hypothesis only, but can get mentioned on the front page of ST first.

And what's up with the "unnamed expert"? Why? Scared all the angry homos go and scold this expert, issit? Or worse, go there and breathe on him to give him Aids, issit?

You don't know, meh? Aids MAY be spread by gay people breathing on the rest of us "normal" people. It's so far only a hypothesis by an expert who shall remain unnamed, and more research needs to be done. But I thought I'd mention it first.

Even Mr Miyagi made a great points.

Two-thirds of AIDS sufferers may say Straits Times is spot-on

They cannot possibly be so dumb, folks.

Don't buy it. In every sense of the word. The statement, and especially, the reporting of the statement. They cannot possibly be so gong.

I'm pulling a very long bow here, but I think the ST may be just trying to make itself more relevant, albeit in a very, very perverse way. So, don't buy a word they're saying. They may be just pulling your chains so you'll talk about them. They may be just making you wonder who that 'unnamed expert' is, whether he/she is from the CDC, the MOH or from some department totally unrelated to health and medicine, but so happens to be an epidemiologist.

I mean, they may just want you to do the math and get worked up: 1/3 of new AIDS cases are gay means 'gay parties may have led to a sharp rise in new AIDS cases'.

They also may just want you to know how they're tackling the epidemic, and how it is global, because gays from high prevalent societies, they come to party and end up 'seeding the local community with infection'.

Right now, you may be thinking about what the MOH is doing to work and manage a cure, whether anyone at the Biopolis Hub Thing is working on something, whether there are drug trials, whether they'll do something once Snowball and Nation moves to Bangkok and the number of AIDS cases rises anyway, and whether they'll say 1/3 of new AIDS cases are gay means gay parties in Bangkok may have led to a sharp rise in AIDS cases because gay men went to Bangkok, whether we may be living in the Dark Ages.

You may say what you want, but don't say Straits Times never make you think!

P.S. mrbrown and Mr Miyagi are straight and married but NOT narrow*

* This 'clause' is there just in case some people think that only the GLBT community think this way.

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