10 February 2005

Happy Lunar New Year... sort of

The first day of the Lunar New Year.

I never really enjoyed the Lunar New Year pass the age of 12, to many people and too much hob-nobbing around with family. Family, I will add who don't like me. Family politics. But then again that is my paternal side. My maternal side loves me. ;)

We had only 1 person to visit and that is my maternal aunt. It is rather fun to be there but I always wait for the dreaded question, which all GLBT people hate, “when are you getting married” ahhhhhhhhhhh…

Living in a society like Singapore, where the older generation doesn’t seem to understand that being single is okay, is really frustrating sometimes. Especially, it seems that they seem to want to marry everyone off. Of course I know that they have my interest at heart, but they just don’t get the fact that I can still live without someone in my life, who would I need a woman to take care of me? Or why would a single girl need a man to take care of her?

But then again, they have no idea I'm gay and that I'm already spoken for. Which actually is the sad part of any GLBT's life. We can never share the job of finding a boyfriend or girlfriend with our family. Most of us in this 'asian' society would never want to tell.

I do know of people who believe that being single in okay. A lot of my friends (straight, GLBT) who said that they would like to find someone to just grow old together, be it a lover, husband, wife or even a very close friend. I think that is the basic things that we look for when we want to find a partner in life, just someone who will grow old with us. That is the thing the world doesn't understand, it has nothing to do with sex but intimacy, the fact that we want to love and be loved in return by someone. We are no different from our straight counterparts, only difference is that we fall in love with the people of the same sex. Of course the religious people would have lots of things to say against this but that is for another time.

Well the day ended and I’ll still alive. Thank goodness tomorrow is my own day.

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