23 May 2007

Mouth Diarrhoea

Our million dollar ministers are sometimes so stupid. I will now proceed to tear apart the points that Mr. Lui stated.

"If Minister of State for Education Lui Tuck Yew has his way, there will be no changes to Section 377A of the Penal Code, which makes homosexual acts a crime here. "I'm not ready to move, and I don't think a major section of society is ready to move," he said."

"The Government will move at the pace at which society "allows us to move", RAdm Lui said."

Did society allow the casinos? Did society allow "Crazy Horse"? Did society allow the R(A) rating? Going by his premise it would seem that society allowed the above 3 things even though "majority" of Singaporeans didn't want it, one must not forget we are a "conservative" society. This is the same thing as the "majority" of Singaporeans don't want to remove S377A from the books. It would seem that heterosexuals having oral and anal sex is acceptable to "majority of Singaporeans" (plans to remove S377) and yet not homosexuals. It would seem that heterosexuality is more superior than homosexuality.

"In response, RAdm Lui said: "Yes, there will be different tension points, maybe what some would characterise conservatives versus liberals. We can't be stiff-necked. We need to be open to ideas but we have to come to our conclusions through the framework in Singapore. That's why it's important to have our own deep convictions and beliefs." "

Let us look at their beliefs.

1) Welfare is a vulgar word. We shouldn't have it because it would make people have crutch mentality.

2) If we don't pay people this amount, then we cannot get good people into politics.

3) Debate over a $30 increase was part of the parliamentary proceedings and yet increasing the pay of ministers was not part of a debate, as Ms. Sylvia Lim said (and I parapharse), "... no vote will be taken. Not one thing said by any MP will change the decision of the government." So there was actually no debate and as most of us would say, what is the point of even "discussing" it in parliament?

Sylvia Lim's statement on the Ministerial pay"

4) The increase in public transport fares (or adjustment as it is known) is due to the rising cost of oil and other things. Do we see prices dropping of oil becomes cheaper? So the millions earned by the public transport vendors is never enough (net profit was 54.55 million in 2006).

Oh now I get it, the belief that homosexuality is a sin condemned by Christians and even though our constitution says every one is equal under the eyes of the law, some people are just more equal than others.

"4 legs good, 2 legs better"

Can we say, "White Horse"? Even though the official statement is there isn't any all of us who have gone through the army know better.

Who are they actually trying to bluff?

While acknowledging Mr Lee's comments on the possible genetics of homosexuality, RAdm Lui said he does not subscribe to the theory that it is a "medical condition".

The same way a lot of fundamentalist Christians in America don't believe global warming is happening even though all scientific articles and peer reviews say it is.

The same way a lot of fundamentalist Christians in America don't believe in evolution because the bible says so even though all scientific articles and peer reviews say it is.

The same way a lot of fundamentalist Christians in America don't believe that homosexuality is biological NOT MEDICAL even though all scientific articles and peer reviews say it is.

The same way a lot of... you get the picture.

Sometimes you wonder how long people can keep their heads in the sand (or ass) before they actually start thinking.

"Do you excuse paedophiles or psychopaths because of a medical condition?" he asked.

No because pedophilia and murder is NOT a victimless crime. Or stalkers for that matter. Or even causing grievous hurt. These are crimes that have VICTIMS! Mr. million-dollar-a-year-because-you-are-the-best man, please put your brain into gear before moving your mouth.

The best thing is this, homosexuality is NOT medical condition but a biological one. Both paedophilia and psychopathy are medical conditions.

He is also not swayed by arguments that homosexuality does not affect others in society, that it is just between two people. "There can be lots of relationships, like between a person and an animal, or a person and another person, but which is incestuous. There are norms in society."

Let me paraphrase this weird and incoherent statement of his.

Bullshit that homosexuality doesn't affect others in society, that it is between 2 people. Incest and bestiality. There are social norms.

WHAT? HUH? If anyone can understand this, please tell me. What has incest and bestiality got to do with this? Number 1, there is NO law against incest. Number 2, bestiality in NOT a victimless crime.

Gosh, does he really understand what's he saying?

I'm not against people who think homosexuality is wrong (the way I not being green is wrong), I mean if you say, "I think homosexuality is wrong and that is my opinion". I can accept it in fact I'd applaud it. Everyone is different and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but to use illogical statements to justify your opinion... especially when illogical statements can be crushed by logical ones. And from last I checked, we live in a logical world.

Furthermore, to justify why we have to retain S377A because of these illogical factors and "conservatism" is discrimination in its purest form. It would seem that in the Singapore context, not everyone is equal, even though it states in our constitution article 12(1) "All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law". So we homosexuals are NOT equal before the law and are NOT entitled to the equal protection of the law. Maybe we should change the constitution instead?

Taken from Today 23 May 2007

Minister says he is 'not ready to move' on homosexuality

Derrick A Paulo

If Minister of State for Education Lui Tuck Yew has his way, there will be no changes to Section 377A of the Penal Code, which makes homosexual acts a crime here. "I'm not ready to move, and I don't think a major section of society is ready to move," he said.

Rear-Admiral (NS) Lui gave his personal views yesterday at a dialogue session for the annual Pre University Seminar at the Nanyang Technological University. The issue cropped up when a student asked RAdm Lui how the Government will reconcile "ideas and ideologies" that will be increasingly in conflict as Singapore "opens up to the world and becomes more liberal". She was referring to Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's comments at a forum last month in which he said the Government is not the moral police on the homosexuality issue.

In response, RAdm Lui said: "Yes, there will be different tension points, maybe what some would characterise conservatives versus liberals. We can't be stiff-necked. We need to be open to ideas but we have to come to our conclusions through the framework in Singapore. That's why it's important to have our own deep convictions and beliefs."

While acknowledging Mr Lee's comments on the possible genetics of homosexuality, RAdm Lui said he does not subscribe to the theory that it is a "medical condition".

"Do you excuse paedophiles or psychopaths because of a medical condition?" he asked.

He is also not swayed by arguments that homosexuality does not affect others in society, that it is just between two people. "There can be lots of relationships, like between a person and an animal, or a person and another person, but which is incestuous. There are norms in society."

The Government will move at the pace at which society "allows us to move", RAdm Lui said.


Anonymous said...

Number 1. Incest is an offence under S376A

Number 2. Bestiality involves an animal which cannot give consent, so it may be argued that the animal is a victim. We protect animals under the Cruelty to Animals Act.

Having said that, killing an animal for food is exempted from the Act...

Wolfgang said...

Thanks random for pointing that incest is an offence. I thought it was, but I just couldn't seem to find it.

Maybe I should have stated that both incest and bestiality are not victimless crimes. In incest, the victim can be a child that was conceived. And in bestiality (as you pointed out) the victim is the animal as the animal cannot give consent.

Which means that the state is right to make these acts illegal.