07 February 2007

The raise and fall of my blog

It has been so long since I've written, gosh my last entry was in November.

It has been a really busy time. I was out of Australia for most of December and a little bit of January. For work as well as play.

Had a lovely time with T in Singapore. Really felt that we have grown closer during my short trip back. Our relationship has stagnated when we were apart and now having been back (even though it was a short time), it has continued and progressed. So it is so great!

After I was back, I didn't get bitten by the writing bug and have been really lazy. So nothing at all, even though there were a lot of issues that I really was rather passionate about. Not only about the gay issues but also about censorship and the sand issue with Indonesia.

But hey that has passed and we cannot live in the past. So I'll forget about it and just continue from where I've stopped. So starting from this month, I just hope that I'll be able to write again. Even though it is just for me and maybe T.

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