10 February 2006

First Major Fight in 2006

The other day T and I had a fight. Yea, it was over AIM but we did fight. This would be our third major fight in 2 years.

It happened like this, we were discussing about his pending vacation over here and it went from that to his saying that I'm don't seem very enthusiastic about his coming over, to my rebuttal to his statement, etc. It was a rather drawn out affair which most couples (gay or otherwise) would have encountered before. There were a lot of back and forth for 20min before we calmed down and talked about what happened.

It was rather good in a way, I have realised that with every disagreement that we have, we become closer and understand each other better. We have never walked away from a disagreement without understanding each other's “logic”. So instead of being angry with each other and thinking about the worse, we would talk about it, trying to stay calm and collected and I have realised that our fights are always due to miscommunication. Thinking that the other thinks of it this way when it wasn’t so.

It is amazing, coming from my first relationship, where my ex-bf used to do the “lets break up” everytime we have a fight to by previous relationship where we try to understand each other without talking about our displeasure (i.e. keeping everything in), to this, where all unhappiness is aired and talked through. I would like to say that I’ve matured in this aspect but I do think it depends on your partner too. T has been nothing by a calm and patient bf ever since we’ve become serious, and of which I have learnt that from him. Understanding him to a point where I would need to clarify things.

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